Our brand
Our brand is a valuable asset. It is a reflection of our organisational values, and of us as individuals who represent Tusk Finance.
This guide has been specifically created to present all of our communications not just in a consistent and clear manner, but also in a way that presents Tusk Finance as a united front to the public, our members, and to our industry, distinguishing us from other financial organisations.
This guide sets out how we present the Tusk Finance brand when working with visual and written elements. It provides exact advice on how to use the Tusk Finance logo and its related elements.
Adherence to this guide is a requirement for any use of the Tusk Finance brand and its related elements.
For any special requirements or questions, please contact Tusk Finance via broker@tuskfinance.com.au.
This brand guide is the property of and remains at all times the property of Tusk Finacnce (LoansbyMichael Pty Ltd Trading as Tusk Finance).
No parts of this brand guide may be duplicated, transmitted or used for any purpose without the prior explicit written permission of Tusk Finance.
Intellectual Property
The name Tusk Finance is the property of LoansbyMichael Pty Ltd Trading as Tusk Finance, as are all of the elements shown in this guide that make up the Tusk Finance brand.
Our logo
The Tusk Finance logo features a fashionable monogram combining the T and F letterforms. The Tusk lettering features a K with a curvature that subtly alludes to a tusk.
The earthy colours give both a grassroots, Australian feel as well as the warmth of leather and luxury.
Logo Variants
The primary logo has four variants:
- Landscape
- Stacked
- Reversed
- Mono
Preference for use is as per numbering.
This area shown (as a visual ratio – based on the relative size of the ‘TF’) should be kept clear in all usages of the logo. Nothing may enter inside the clearspace area aside from the logo. This allows the logo to be unobstructed and presented clearly amongst any other design elements.
Logo Don’ts
Do not use the logo or icon to replace words or letters in text.
Do not lock up text with the logo or icon.
(use the reversed version instead)
Our icon
Our icon can be used on it’s own as a feature, but ideally where the primary logo is also used to add context and clarity for the brand.
Our supporting icon set (as used throughout the website) can be downloaded below:
Icon Variants
The primary icon has three variants:
- Colour
- Reversed
- Mono
Preference for use is as per numbering.
This area shown (as a visual ratio – based on the relative width of the icon) should be kept clear in all usages of the icon. Nothing may enter inside the clearspace area aside from the icon. This allows the icon to be unobstructed and presented clearly amongst any other design elements.
We have provided this reference to ensure that colour reproduction is accurate and consistent between varying media.
Primary colours
PMS 476
PMS 7525
PMS 482
PMS 443
Large headings generally use Questa Grande.
When Questa Grande and Montserrat are not available, Arial can be used for documents created in-house – as a fallback only.
Headings should use a ratio of 1:1.1 for size: leading.
Body copy should use a ratio of 1:1.6 for size: leading.
Questa Grande
Montserrat Bold
Montserrat Semibold
Photographic Style
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis malesuada nunc. Integer eget odio erat.
Nulla nulla neque, porttitor at consectetur nec, dictum eu turpis. Integer non nulla eleifend, vehicula ex nec, convallis massa.
Nunc vitae nibh ac lacus auctor euismod ut eget mi. Mauris at ullamcorper lorem, et laoreet enim. Donec et tortor venenatis, placerat tellus vel, convallis risus.
Aenean tincidunt sed ante eget eleifend. Quisque feugiat imperdiet metus ut volutpat. Integer faucibus consectetur felis in laoreet.
Image Treatment
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis malesuada nunc. Integer eget odio erat. Nulla nulla neque, porttitor at consectetur nec, dictum eu turpis. Integer non nulla eleifend, vehicula ex nec, convallis massa.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis malesuada nunc. Integer eget odio erat. Nulla nulla neque, porttitor at consectetur nec, dictum eu turpis. Integer non nulla eleifend, vehicula ex nec, convallis massa. Nunc vitae nibh ac lacus auctor euismod ut eget mi. Mauris at ullamcorper lorem, et laoreet enim. Donec et tortor venenatis, placerat tellus vel, convallis risus. Aenean tincidunt sed ante eget eleifend. Quisque feugiat imperdiet metus ut volutpat. Integer faucibus consectetur felis in laoreet.
If you have questions about how to apply these guidelines, please contact info@tuskfinance.com.au.